Wednesday, 7 March 2012

My Final Front Cover

This is my finished front cover for my music magazine. After a lot of changes from my first initial design I am happy with my final product in which the colour scheme fits well with the genre and uses both conventional and unconventional features.

My Final Contents Page

This is my final contents page for my magazine. After some first initial thoughts I decided that this would be the design I would go for after much research on conventional music magazine contents pages.

My Final Double Page Spread

This is the final double page spread that I designed for my music magazine. After much research and planning I decided that I was happy with the end product created. I felt that it was much needed to be able to follow the codes and conventions represented and also for it to be pleasing to its target audience.


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Evaluation: Website Link

This link will lead you to the Wix website that I have used for my evaluation

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Facebook Feedback

I used social networking sites to get some much needed feedback on my magazine front cover, contents page and two page spread. I got feedback from students who are sixth form to go to university within a years time, this was useful as I needed to understand whether the product created would fully appeal to my target audience. Two of the main qualities I wanted my magazine to have was that I wanted it to look like a professional magazine but also modern to keep with the trend of a younger society for my magazine to be received well. I was happy to see that these two qualities were also mentioned within the comments on Facebook that I got when publishing my product for people of the age range to comment on.