Wednesday, 7 March 2012

My Final Front Cover

This is my finished front cover for my music magazine. After a lot of changes from my first initial design I am happy with my final product in which the colour scheme fits well with the genre and uses both conventional and unconventional features.

My Final Contents Page

This is my final contents page for my magazine. After some first initial thoughts I decided that this would be the design I would go for after much research on conventional music magazine contents pages.

My Final Double Page Spread

This is the final double page spread that I designed for my music magazine. After much research and planning I decided that I was happy with the end product created. I felt that it was much needed to be able to follow the codes and conventions represented and also for it to be pleasing to its target audience.


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Evaluation: Website Link

This link will lead you to the Wix website that I have used for my evaluation

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Facebook Feedback

I used social networking sites to get some much needed feedback on my magazine front cover, contents page and two page spread. I got feedback from students who are sixth form to go to university within a years time, this was useful as I needed to understand whether the product created would fully appeal to my target audience. Two of the main qualities I wanted my magazine to have was that I wanted it to look like a professional magazine but also modern to keep with the trend of a younger society for my magazine to be received well. I was happy to see that these two qualities were also mentioned within the comments on Facebook that I got when publishing my product for people of the age range to comment on.

Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Double Page Spread Story/Interview

MainStage Magazine brings one of the biggest growing bands
in the nation to students in Lincoln. The Anarchy have been through tough times
in both the media and also their lives growing up. We met up with The Anarchy
to find out what it takes to go from Lincoln to London in one giant leap-to
become the success what they are today. It was clear to us at MainStage that
The Anarchy had been through enough to get to the success in which they are
experiencing; Ashley (pictured on the bottom left), talked about her suffering
of depression when she was just 16, leading to what she said was self-harm, “It
got to a stage where enough was enough, I’d always wanted to be a success to my
parents and it all went too far”. Though Ashley did struggle, she said it was
what made her what she is today and that was a sentiment echoed throughout the cool,
quirky alternative band. Alexander
(pictured on the bottom right) talked of the band’s adventure to becoming a
breakthrough act within the UK, “It is almost as if the music industry needs
Anarchy now” though adding “of course we are not as big as the likes of Oasis
or Coldplay but we aspire to be bigger!” With Chris (pictured in the middle)
adding a nod of agreement, it was an obvious sign of the bands potential and
confidence to fulfil this potential.
The Anarchy are beginning their tour in the summer in which
it is widely speculated that the band
are including some more of the nation’s biggest acts alongside them on the
stage, Chris was quick to try and shrug of this story “Any speculation at this
stage is pure speculation, plans are only just beginning”. Although, there was
no denial to the link, there may be excitement about the tour in which is
widely promoted to students. The Anarchy have been hugely successful with their
first two singles released the public and are now looking to create an even
bigger success with their album to be released next week in shops all over the
country. The album is widely publicised to be one of the biggest in years and
the band are odds on to become number one in the UK album charts as soon as it
is available in stores. When asked about the success their album is believed
that it will have, they replied with a mix of confidence and pessimism: “We
know that we have the quality” said Ashley “but there is a lot of big acts all
competing for that number one spot and we have to hope that our album is going
to live up to all expectations”.
With the belief that this can happen, The Anarchy are
expected to become an instant success worldwide as well as nationwide. Critics
in America have hit the band with less than supportive reviews that may put the
band off but there was no sign of that from the band themselves, Alex said, “Our
dream is to become one of the best worldwide, America are calling for us and we
seem to have already built up a reputation there”, America may have hit the
band heavily but this is a band who have not only got great confidence but a
keen eye for natural quality music. MainStage believes that The Anarchy are
ready to hit the stage globally and successfully. It seems as if the band is
ready for all that will hit them in the coming months and they want to go
global. You can follow The Anarchy to see how they are progressing within the
coming months and find out all the information on their upcoming tour.
MainStage are also very excited to announce some great news
that The Anarchy gave us during our exclusive interview with them, “We are
ready for the ride of a life time but we are extremely excited to say that
before we go anywhere that we will be performing in front of the students at
Lincoln at The Engine Shed in which many of our closest friends in music have
enjoyed greatly and the fans and audience here are great to perform in front
of. The performance is coming very soon, just after fresher’s week in fact, in
which all the new year’s involved at Lincoln University can become a great part
here in Lincoln and begin to find the great music scene that is involved during
the university year at The Engine Shed. Although The Anarchy are ready to take
on the nation, they have ensured us that Lincoln will not be forgotten in the
future, ” Lincoln is our home and the city we love the greatest“ said Ashley,
“Although we are excited to the many cities on huge scale that we will be
visiting, there is no city like Lincoln. We know that we will get great support
from this city and we cannot thank all our followers and everyone here enough.”
Everyone at MainStage will be giving full support to the band and we fully
expect that you will to. It is an exciting time for the band and we hope it is
a first of Lincoln’s many big music acts.
The Anarchy are coming to The Engine Shed at the start of
October on the 2nd, tickets will be available from next week on the 7th ,and
tickets are expected to sell out quickly with the up and coming band aiming to
smash the music industry. The Anarchy come with special guests that are also
believed to become potentially great in the music industry that they wouldn’t
give us the names of and it is sure to be a great performance with them warming
up to impress the world.
By Tom Denman
Head Student Journalist

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Publication Plan

Chosen Masthead:

Contents Features:
The Anarchy P32
Kay Leigh P51
KAY LEIGH Came all the way from Lincoln Uni to perform at Wembley Stadium.
Miles Veidt P63
All the way from Germany, Veidt is here to rock the UK
Team Me P69
Team me have recently been on tour with UK hit band The Vacciens, we get their Opinion on the band.

Phoenix P27
The French Indie Band came to Lincoln on their tour called “Taking Over Tour”
Polock P70
Wolf Gang P29
The electronic alternative bandhave kicked off their tour in Lincoln

‘Night Out’Pictures P3
Upcoming Gigs P52
Uni Campus Store P75

Editors Message:
This month we welcome lots of new additions to the magazine and we welcome one of the most exciting acts to come from Lincoln to our students,The Anarchy. MainStage also includes all its popular features and also the latest reviews on gigs and interviews from some of the best acts coming from the area. Its Great to be back for what should be another great year for Lincolns Students and the music scene surrounding them.

Friday, 6 January 2012

Double Page Spread Plan

My double page spread will take a conventional layout with the article and masthead taking up one page and the main image and other features taking up the other. I will also add smaller foreground images to give my double page spread a much more interesting layout.

Contents Page Plan

When looking at Student union contents page's, I noticed that many were double paged allowing more room for conventional features and any other special features that might be added to the contents.

Front Cover Plan

It is important for me to plan all the stages of my magazine to make sure that I have included all conventional features alongside those that are unique. I have made the main image the most dominating feature of the page as seen with most magazines of all types. I am going to try and make my front cover look neat with my masthead also easily visible to everyone.