Friday, 9 December 2011

Photoshop Ideas for my magazine

These videos give me an idea on how to make both text and still images look both more professional and attractable to the audience. The videos may have an influence in the way I style my product and also links to the first draft I have just done. The videos have furthered my knowledge on Photoshop and may help me to reaching the next level needed for AS level.

Masthead Designs

To help me with the making of my magazine I decided I would make some mastheads to help me with the initial ideas of the rest of my magazine. In the end I decided that the fifth one down would be the masthead for my magazine as it is neat and uses the colour scheme that the magazine will adopt throughout.

Double Page Spread Draft

I have drawn a rough layout and plan for my double page spread. It is a basic drawing that I will look at when creating my real end product.

Contents Page Draft

I have again drawn a draft but of my contents page. I needed to to make sure that I was able to plan where every feature would go on the page in order for it to look professional.

Layout: First Draft - Front Cover

This is my first initial draft for my magazine which is to be called 'MainStage'. It looks mostly at layout but also mise-en-scene and other first thoughts on the style my magazine is to be. I have looked mainly at the layout and how everything is going to be presented to the reader in order to create interest.

Target Audience

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Initial Ideas

After looking at different magazines currently on the market at the moment I have created some initial ideas in which will go towards my end product going into a unique market:
  1. Name - MainStage
  2. Targeted at Students Unions - specifically Lincoln University
  3. My magazine will be released every month/12 per year
  4. Price - Free
  5. Will include advertising to earn money for creating the magazine
  6. Amount of pages/Issue size - 65-70 pages
  7. Includes news about local music acts, popular acts for people in the area, up and coming acts, gigs and reviews

Codes and Conventions: Double Page Spread Analysis

Double Page Spread Codes and Conventions:
  • Page Numbers in the bottom corners of the page
  • Main Title
  • Theme
  • Size 11/12 font
  • Drop Quotes
  • Main Image taking up a large section or all of the page
  • Eye Catching Headline (sometimes a key quote)
  • Artist/Band name
  • Short description of article
Double Page Spread Analysis:
  • This example of a double page spread consists of a main image of the key band involved in which takes of half the layout. The headline is a quote from inside the article itself in which gives any readers a taster of what to expect and to attract them to reading it.
    The image of the band shows them looking quite confident and big looking at the reader, this is also another feature in which may attract readers, the band are easily recognisable to almost e
    veryone now and this also portrayed in the image itself. The band also look quite serious in the image in which is also the feeling in the article with the band at this time facing their break up. The article is clear to see for the reader but the words "Another Oasis" are put across with more importance with the change in font colour. The band are huge within the music industry and the two words put across what is seen as a big story for the magazine and followers of the band. There is a consistent colour scheme throughout and involves other codes and conventions as well to give the reader a clear idea of the professionalism involved. Things such as the page numbers and size of the font being small are all involved.
Again in this example we see the main image taking up what seems this time to be all the of double page spread. The theme put across in the image which is put across as grime/hip hop, is continuous with the headline which is big and bold and interests the reader. Though the words "tags" and "riches" are clearly put across as having more importance to the story with the slightly bigger font for them two words. The title refers to the story of Dizzee Rascals adventure to fame.
The title/headline also refers to the picture in which Dizzee Rascal is doing graffiti. Graffiti is also referred to as a tag and also puts across that it may have some big influence into the article. The image portrays the artist as a bit of a rebel and gives the reader
a sort of a stereotypical image of what some people think of people associated with grime. He also wears clothing in which may be codes towards audience expectations of the genre. Added images of booze and a stereo player also show the representation of the character.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Brief Chosen

Print -
Preliminary exercise: using DTP and an image manipulation program, produce the front page of a new school/college magazine, featuring a photograph of a student in medium close-up plus some appropriately laid-out text and a masthead. Additionally candidates must produce a DTP mock-up of the layout of the contents page to demonstrate their grasp of the program.

Main Task -
The front page, contents and double page spread of a new music magazine.

All images and text used must be original, produced by the candidate(s), minimum of four images per candidate. (exam board syllabus)

I have chosen this brief because I believe due to having done work in print in my earlier work that I have good knowledge and experience to be able to complete my work successfully and to a good standard.

I am to create a magazine that extends on my GCSE knowledge in my media work and that will expand on my creativity to create something of a high quality that leads to a good grade at AS media level. The challenges ahead will include using different media software that will help me complete my work. I will need to get out of GCSE standard and prepare well to complete work successfully at the next level.